
Best Boxing Techniques For Beginners 

Getting started in boxing as a beginner would require one to get an insight and also master the required techniques, so as to maintain powerful effectiveness in the ring and also to get the full enjoyment of the sport, boxing. Boxing is a practice that involves the combination of physical skillfulness, mental sharpness, and adroit strategy. In this article, every boxing technique a beginner should know would be adequately explained in details.


The Best Boxing Techniques Includes;

1) The Stance:

Stance can be said to be the posture, manner or pose in which one stands. The foundation of your boxing journey lies in your boxing stance. Your boxing stance affects your balance, mobility and power. A strong stance gives you the opportunity to defend yourself very well, while you are also ready to give a strike.

There are some strategies on how to stand;

I) Your Feet Position:

When standing on your feet, make your shoulder width apart. If you are left handed, your right foot should be placed forward. If you are right handed, your left foot should be placed forward.

ii) Weight Distribution:

Evenly distribute your weight between your feet, so you can make any quick movements in any direction.

iii) Keeping your knees slightly bent:

If you learn this strategy, it will be helpful because you can maintain balance and readiness.

iv) Aligning your body:

Keep your shoulder square to your opponent but slightly angled to protect the main part of your body.


2) Basic Punches:

A punch is a hit or strike with one’s fist. There are different types of punches but understanding them is very important.

The Best Basic Punches are;

i) The Jab:

this involves throwing a quick straight punch with the lead hand. It is necessary for distance control and starting combinations.

ii) The Cross:

This is a powerful straight punch delivered with the rear hand. Often times, it follows a jab and can have significant effect.

iii) The Hook:

It is being thrown in a circular motion, with the aim of hitting the opponent’s head or body. It is more suitable at a close range.

iv) The Uppercut:

This punch is being given in an upward direction, targeting at the jaw or chin.


3) Footwork:

Footwork is any movement of the feet, especially intricate or complex movement. The importance of this technique can be seen on how it gives a boxer the opportunity to escape punches, maintain distances and also be ready for strike.

There are the essential movements in footwork;

i) Side to side:

You can use lateral movements to escape attack. Put a step with your lead foot first, and then your rear foot to maintain balance.

ii) Forward and Backward:

Keep your movements in a straight line. Push off your back foot to advance further and step back with your lead foot.

iii) Pivoting:

This allows you to be able to swift angles quickly. Keep the rotation on your lead foot while stepping around with your rear foot.


4) The Defense:

one of the important techniques in boxing is a great defense; it allows you to escape different hits, also allowing you to counter attack.

The Best Defense Moves includes;


The move involves you moving your head to the side to prevent punches. There should be adequate timing and preparation to effect this.

ii) Blocking:

for this move, you should use your boxing gloves and arms to block off incoming punches.

iii) Ducking:

This involves bending your knees and lowering your body to evade high punches. Always keep your balance and have readiness to counter.

Iv) Covering Up:

This defense move is when you raise your boxing gloves close to your head to defend many incoming punches.

5) Combinations:

This technique involves combining your punches and movements. The great thing about this is that it makes your next move unpredictable, thereby confusing your opponents.

The Best Basic Combinations are;

i) The Jab Cross:

This is most important combination. It brings up powerful punches and makes your opponents to be at loss.

ii) The Jab-Jab Cross:

This combination involves giving two jabs, and then a powerful cross accompanying it.

iii) The Jab Cross Hook:

This combination applies variety and aims at many areas of the opponent’s body.

iv) Jab Uppercut:

It can also be known as a surprise attack, it is great in handling the opponent off guard.

6) Conditioning and Fitness

Conditioning is said to be any training or preparation, most especially athletic training of the body. Fitness is the condition of being suitable, fit and appropriate. To effectively improve your performance and minimize your injury risk, you should aim to have muscular endurance, a strong cardiovascular base and good flexibility.

There are some exercises that improve your conditioning and fitness;

i) Running:

As a boxer, you should include sprints and long distance runs in your training routines, these helps to increase your endurance.

ii) Strength training:

This involves exercises like pull ups, push-ups, planks and squats, this exercises aims in developing your legs, core and upper body.

iii) Jump ropes:

The importance of this exercise is that it enhances your footwork, body coordination and cardiovascular fitness.

7) Mental Training:

Mental Training applies to you having your strategy, focus and resilience, and you always having them in your mind. Understanding that boxing isn’t just a physical sport, but also a mental game. In order to be proficient in it, you would need to create the right mindset

There are some tips in developing the right mindset;

i) Goal setting:

This involves setting short term and long term goals that are achievable. To see the effect of this in your boxing journey, you should keep track of your progress to remain motivated.

ii) Visualization:

Having a winning mindset puts you ahead of your opponents; you should imagine yourself performing techniques efficiently. The importance is that it builds your confidence and gives you a great preparation.

iii) Mindfulness:

You should endeavor to practice meditation to improve your focus and minimize fear or anxiety.

Though we have come to the end of the best boxing techniques, there are great practice tips made specifically for each techniques, they include;

Practice Tips

1) The Stance Practice Tips

i) Heavy Bag work:

You can use a heavy bag to develop strength and power, fix a focus on each punch’s techniques as you strike.

ii) Shadow Boxing:

This involves practicing without a partner; it helps you to give your focus on form and technique.

2) The Punch Practice Tips

i) Heavy Bag work:

You can use a heavy bag to develop strength and endurance.

ii) Shadow Boxing:

You can use this practice tip to practice your different punches without a partner.

3) The Footwork Practice Tips

i) Ladder Drills:

This involves using an agility ladder to enhance quick foot movements.

ii) Cone Drills:

You can fix up cones and try practicing moves around them to improve your directional flexibility and agility.

4) The Defense Practice Tips

i) Partner Drills:

You can practice the slipping and blocking skills with a partner as he or she throws light punches.

Ii) Shadow Boxing:

You can include practicing defensive movements in your shadow boxing routine.

5) The Combination Practice Tips

i) Heavy Bag work:

During this, you should aim on delivering your combinations on the bag, also keeping a strong form.

ii) Shadow Boxing:

You can also practice this during your shadow boxing routines.

6) The Conditioning and Fitness Practice Tips

i) Circuit Training:

This involves combining all the different exercises for fitness and strength.

ii) Interval Training:

This means combining high intensity work with resting time, this can be practice rounds of a boxing match.

7) The Mental Training Practice Tips

i) You can create a plan that helps you to be calm and focused before you start a match or competition.

ii) Inclusion of visualization skills and breathing exercises helps to prepare you mentally.



In conclusion, the journey of mastering these techniques might not be easy flowing for you, but remember, practice is the key. You should be consistent in boxing techniques mastery, as it would surely lead to improvement. Ensure to build a very strong foundation with your proper stance, punches, footwork, defense, combination, conditioning and mental preparation techniques. Adequate mastery of all these techniques will surely be a great help and aid for you in the ring, whether you are sparring or doing it for fitness. Goodluck in your boxing journey.

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